Welcome to the Sioux Scout website

Welcome to the Sioux Scout website
The Sioux Scout website is a place to find fun and informative content ranging from the outdoors in general, hiking & camping on one end, and self reliance & preparedness on the other. The goal is to show just how much those two cultures have in common. A Prepper can learn a lot from a Hiker and vise versa.

We are all about having a positive focused mindset, having the right gear and the know how to work the two together for whatever adventure lays ahead.
"Owning a handgun doesn't make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician."
Col. Jeff Cooper

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Trauma Kits: Everybody Should Have One

I've always been the type of guy who kept a first aid kit in the house and vehicle. Never anything serious, basically just a boo boo kit. Basic household or hiking style first aid kits containing bandages, pain relievers, and antiseptics; nothing fancy.

I've always thought I should get something a little more geared to serious injuries, but never got around to it. I looked into some trauma kits and thought they were expensive and full of stuff I’d never use. Plus, if the need ever came around, I wouldn't even know what to do with it. Just seemed like a waste of money.

 While James Yeager can be an acquired taste for some, and unwatchable for others; I tend to like his videos…. now. He used to be a little over the top for me, but I must have acquired a taste.

Yeager makes an extremely valid point in this video (about 2 minute into the video). Even if you don’t know how to use everything in the kit, doesn’t mean someone else would not be able to use it. And that person may be using it on you.

Many inexpensive basic trauma kits can be found at larger sporting goods stores and online from places like Amazon.  They are lightweight and do not require too much space. It may be worth considering getting one just to keep in your vehicle, on your ATV or snowmobile, with your hunting or shooting gear.

Below is a link to Amazon for the trauma kit that I keep in my vehicle. It is a military style kit made from heavy duty material and has MOLLE straps which allow it to be quickly attached to a backpack, rack of an ATV, chest rig or even to your belt.

I keep the bright red model, for easy identification, in my truck. I went with the red one because it could be important when instructing someone else to retrieve it for you. If you are the one injured, you don't want someone unfamiliar with your gear scratching their head asking themselves which pouch is multi cam and which is ACU digital. Everyone knows what red is.

The kits also come in a variety of camouflage bags if you would prefer something less noticeable to have with while hunting or with your tactical gear. Priced under thirty dollars, one can afford to have a couple.

I will do a full review on it soon. I just wanted to put out a post about how even if you don't know how to use everything in a trauma kit, you should have one.

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