Welcome to the Sioux Scout website

Welcome to the Sioux Scout website
The Sioux Scout website is a place to find fun and informative content ranging from the outdoors in general, hiking & camping on one end, and self reliance & preparedness on the other. The goal is to show just how much those two cultures have in common. A Prepper can learn a lot from a Hiker and vise versa.

We are all about having a positive focused mindset, having the right gear and the know how to work the two together for whatever adventure lays ahead.
"Owning a handgun doesn't make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician."
Col. Jeff Cooper

Friday, April 4, 2014

My Alternative to Gun Free Zones on Military Installations

The shooting that took place a few days ago at Fort Hood got me thinking again. Mainly the same question I’ve asked myself after similar events. “How can this happen? How can Members of our Armed Services be shot at like sitting ducks inside their own bases?” This needs to stop. Obliviously to most, “gun free zones” do not work. Even the most hardened anti-gunner has to see that the vast majority of mass shootings take place in “gun free zones” like schools and places of business.

We need to abandon this ill planned concept across the board. I know it won’t be done all at once, but a great place to start would be with our military. I have a simple plan to do just that.

Of course step one would be to repeal the President Clinton era ban on weapons at military installations. I’m not ripping on Clinton, just dating how long the ban has been in existence. The ban was approved by plenty of both parties in Congress. At any rate, it’s been shown too many times that gun free zones make nothing but a target rich environment for a psychopath.
I got this image of  soldiers training with M9's from one of my favorite blogs, The Mellow Jihadi. I'll add a link below.
Once the ban is lifted, military installations have a few unique features that would give the person who wanted to carry a handgun for personal protection an advantage. They have world leading training facilities and trainers, on base at almost every base. They have access to top notch firearms and equipment. After all they are the Armed Forces.

It would be easy to put policy in place that if any enlisted or officer that want to carry a Government issue sidearm for their personal protection, would be allowed to purchase one on his or her own dime, if they did not have one issued to them. The military could sell them the 9mm M9 at cost. If not already qualified they would then require the proper training, also on his or her own dime and on their own time.

Once qualified, they would be allowed to open carry when on base off duty in a Government issued holster. In my mind's eye, if there was ever a place ideal for lawful open carry, it would be a military base. Nothing would seem out of place with a man or woman in uniform with a M9 on their hip and there would be little chance of a clash with an anti-gunner on base. If all servicemen and women have a clean enough background to serve, they should be able to own and carry a weapon. If we can’t trust them with a weapon, then why are they serving in our Armed Forces?

I think if we allow our Airmen, Marines, Sailors and Soldiers to defend themselves and others by giving them the open to open carry standard issue side arms on base; it would quickly put an end to on base shootings by these psychopaths.

Of course the anti-gunners would say armed people would just confuse the situation and when the Police (or this case MPs) arrived on scene they would know who the psychopath was. It would be easy; the psychopath would be dead. As with the latest shooting, along with others that take place in a gun free zone environment, once the coward meets an opposing force they almost always take themselves out.

If you disagree with my above closing statement, don't watch this Mr.Colion Noir video. You'll have a Level Four temper tantrum if you do.

As mentioned in the picture caption, The Mellow Jihadi blog is a favorite of mine. Well worth a look in my opinion.

What are your thoughts on the Fort Hood Shooting and allowing our Service Men and Women being allowed to conceal carry if they have a CCW Permit?
Please feel free to comment below or join the discussion on the new West Marshland Armory Forum.
The forum is new and just getting started. A few friends of mine from other firearms forums have joined and we hope you join us by signing up for a free membership. Once we have 100 active members we will start having prize giveaways and other rewards for participating.

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