Welcome to the Sioux Scout website

Welcome to the Sioux Scout website
The Sioux Scout website is a place to find fun and informative content ranging from the outdoors in general, hiking & camping on one end, and self reliance & preparedness on the other. The goal is to show just how much those two cultures have in common. A Prepper can learn a lot from a Hiker and vise versa.

We are all about having a positive focused mindset, having the right gear and the know how to work the two together for whatever adventure lays ahead.
"Owning a handgun doesn't make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician."
Col. Jeff Cooper

Saturday, December 27, 2014

I was a Fudd growing up

Recently I watched the latest "Gun Gripes" installment on the Iraqveteran8888 YouTube channel about "Fudds."

Please follow this link to watch the video.

As usual, I enjoyed the video and found it informative like most of the Iraqveteran8888 videos.

Reading the comments for the video, it seemed to upset a few people. They didn't like the idea of dividing the gun culture into subgroups of people, some not having as much of an interest in preserving our 2nd Amendment right. But it can happen. I know, because it turns out I was a Fudd growing up.

While growing up with guns all around me, I too was only concerned with making sure I'd always be able to have a deer rifle and a shotgun. I had no interest in a AR-15 or similar firearm, since at the time, I didn't think they were practical for hunting. Since they weren't practical for me, I really didn't care about bans or restrictions on them. They were "something I'd never own anyway." What little did I know when I was young.

When I was young, I also thought the 2nd Amendment was an outdated idea. Like many of the ant-gunners, I thought it made perfect sense when the military were armed with the same muzzle loading muskets and pistols that the civilians had, having the Right to Bear Arms kept the Government in check. But it the modern times of armored tanks, fighter jets, and cruise missiles & smart bombs that could be fired from twenty miles away and hit a target with pinpoint accuracy; the public having small arms, even fully automatic ones would be pretty much useless. Once again, what little did I know when I was young.

I've learned over time that gun owners need to stick together for our rights. There are many types of firearms and firearm sports I have zero interest in. But that doesn't mean that I don't care if the firearms used for those activities are banned. I am 100% in the corner of every responsible citizen who wants to be able to own and use the firearm of their liking. We are all in this together, hunters, plinkers, competitive pistol shooters, 3 gunners, trap shooters, cowboy action shooters and all the others who enjoy shooting. Even if we could care less about another sport, we need to care about the right of another to enjoy them with the firearm they prefer.

And of course the 2nd Amendment is not outdated. While I alone could not fight the might of the US military with my tiny collection of rifles, shotguns and pistols, I am far from being alone. Let's just look at my state and it's "Fudds" for example. According to 2014 deer hunting license sales, over 600,000 hunters took to the Wisconsin woods this November for the annual deer season.

Let that sink in for a minute. 600,000 individual deer hunters. In just one State of this Union, more than a half million people go deer hunting over a 9 day period armed with high power rifles. That's a larger group of armed people than most of the world's standing armies. Granted there are a lot of children and "Fudds" in that group. But one would have to ask if push came to shove, how many of those "Fudds" would see the importance of the 2nd Amendment and change their tune? Now throw in all the gun owners who don't hunt. Now throw in hunting and non-hunting gun owners of the other 49 states. Now you've got quite a force to be reckoned with.

True, that force would be extremely uncoordinated, under trained, under supplied and not up to fighting the US military. But our original revolutionary army started off extremely uncoordinated, under trained, under supplied and not up to fighting the British.

I could ramble on for another hour or two on this, but I will end it for now with this. "Fudd" is a new term for me, but the demographic of gun owners it describes is nothing new. In my opinion they are not a group the rest of the gun culture should shun, but rather encourage. Others should encourage them broaden their shooting experiences. And more importantly encouraged to support gun rights for all of us.

Please make an effort to boost these people's interest and support for the 2nd Amendment instead for chastising them for not doing enough. Their support could be make all the difference in the future.

1 comment:

  1. My first 'gun' was an air rifle.  At 12 years old, I was slayer extraordinaire of wildlife on our farm, most especially the squirrel population.  My father approved immensely, as squirrels rampaged through our market gardens like great hordes of Visigoths, destroying all in their paths. I want to buy the best buy pellet gun for hunting.
