Welcome to the Sioux Scout website

Welcome to the Sioux Scout website
The Sioux Scout website is a place to find fun and informative content ranging from the outdoors in general, hiking & camping on one end, and self reliance & preparedness on the other. The goal is to show just how much those two cultures have in common. A Prepper can learn a lot from a Hiker and vise versa.

We are all about having a positive focused mindset, having the right gear and the know how to work the two together for whatever adventure lays ahead.
"Owning a handgun doesn't make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician."
Col. Jeff Cooper

Monday, August 12, 2013

So I Bought an AR-15

So I finally broke down and bought an AR-15. This shouldn’t be much of a shock; they are an extremely popular firearm for a host of reasons. Rugged design, simple safe operation, modular assembly makes them a breeze to maintain & customize, plus the standardization allows many components to be interchangeable between manufactures. Not to mention there are more aftermarket parts & accessories for them than the average person can ever use or afford. But of course the biggest reason: they look badass. How they look is also the biggest reason why they are public enemy number of the anti-gunners.

That makes me shake my head. While there are many, many firearms that would be more effective for a mass shooting or other violent criminal act, the appearance of the AR scares the pants off the anti-gun crowd. I will admit it. That was one of the deciding factors for why I decided a few years ago to eventually get one; it pisses people off.

While for most of my life an AR has been on my “someday maybe” list, I never bought one. When I was younger and really, really wanted one because they were badass, I couldn’t afford one. Later when I could afford one, I really didn’t have a desire for one. Then at a few different occasions when I could justify them, there was a scare from a Presidential election or mass shooting that drove the price out of reason for me.

I’ve often said I could supplement my investments nicely by buying an AR or two during the normal price times and then sell them during the next panic caused by a Presidential election or shooting that is overhyped by the media.

I finally told myself, after the recent gun ban push, that once the prices stabilized I’d get one. They stabilized, and when I went for an oil change I got one. That’s one of the quirks of the small town I live near. There is no local gun store, but the auto mechanic has a FFL. I stopped in one day for an oil change, left with an AR.

I was settling the bill for the oil change when I noticed the AR behind the counter. I told the garage owner’s wife that it was nice to see ARs on the shelves again. She replied that not only that had a few; the prices were back down to pre scare levels. Then she asked me if I wanted to hold the AR, a classic gun salesman move.

I kindly declined, since I knew I would leave with it if I held it. She looked disappointed, because she knew I was an easy sale once the inventory is in my hands. Fortunately for her, the owner came out of the shop, grabs the gun without saying a word, walked around the counter and put it in my hands. Then he smiled and asked if he should start the paperwork. He knows me well.

I’m not the kind of guy who makes many impulse purchases, especially expensive items like anew AR-15. But I put some money aside for a new rifle. A Ruger Gunsite Scout that happens to be on backorder. I asked my mechanic gun dealer how much longer he thought the rifle will be on back order. He smiled again and said “long enough for you to save up for it if you spend the money on the AR-15. If not, I’ll hold it for you until you have the cash.” He knows me too well.

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