Welcome to the Sioux Scout website

Welcome to the Sioux Scout website
The Sioux Scout website is a place to find fun and informative content ranging from the outdoors in general, hiking & camping on one end, and self reliance & preparedness on the other. The goal is to show just how much those two cultures have in common. A Prepper can learn a lot from a Hiker and vise versa.

We are all about having a positive focused mindset, having the right gear and the know how to work the two together for whatever adventure lays ahead.
"Owning a handgun doesn't make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician."
Col. Jeff Cooper

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

I Finally Pulled the Trigger on an AK

I finally pulled the trigger on an AK. Well that's just a figure of speech, I have physically pulled the trigger on an AK before. Last night I pulled the trigger on actually buying one.

Most of my life I have been an admirer of the AK design from a distance. There is no denying they are an outstanding firearm. Simple, rugged design that is easy to maintain and their dependability is legendary. I've just never had much interest in owning one.

The biggest reason why I never really considered owning an AK is that they don't really fill a gap that another firearm I have didn't all ready. The AK is not as versatile (without a lot of work anyways) as other platforms. For the average person they are great for plinking at the range and home defense, but that's about it. They are not anyone's first choice for long range shooting or for a hunting rifle. If that's all you got, they will work for that, but I have always had better options for those roles. So having another option for plinking and home defense wasn't a big selling point for me.

Another big reason is I'm accustomed to the AR style controls for a fighting carbine. Having the charging handle on the right side isn't a big deal for me, but I never cared too much for the selector switch. Besides being in a position that requires either removing the trigger hand from the grip or reaching over or under the rifle with the support hand to operate it, I just plain don't like the looks of a flimsy stamped piece of metal being what takes the firearm on and off safe. Even though the AK style selector switch has proved over the last 60 plus years as a functional design.

Now even though I never had a "need" for one and don't really care for the controls, I've warmed up to the idea of having one. For one thing I've always like the 7.62x39 round, I find it very fun to shoot and it's comparatively inexpensive. That is one of the reason I have an AR chambered in 7.62x39.

I'm not sure, but I could be in violation of some unwritten law by having a 7.62x39 firearm, but not an AK or a SKS. So I decided now is the time to add an AK to the collection.

Now I have been looking around and doing a little research on AKs, the other reason why I never owned one has resurfaced. My lack of knowledge on how to pick out a good one. Bulgarian AKs are good, Romanian made ones are junk. Or is it the other way around? East German style mags won't work with a Polish AK if the AK was built after 3:35pm September 23, 1997. Milled receivers take a different stock than a stamped receiver, unless you have a something or whatever that attaches to the thingy. You almost need a degree in Warsaw Pact history with a minor in geography and a apprenticeship in gunsmithing to figure out what works with what.

Top it all off with, due to import laws, most AKs on today's market are put together stateside on a new receiver from a hodgepodge of seemingly random new and used surplus parts from around the world. Which just frightens me with my lack of AK knowledge.

I've been talking to my firearms fiends lately about me being on the edge of buying an AK, but not sure what to do. Fortunately for me some of them know quite a bit about AKs and have been willing to help point me in a good direction. They've been providing me with tips on what to look for and recommendations on brands and models that would fill my needs.

With much input that I've been very grateful for and some more research on my end, last night I ordered myself an all American made Century Arms Centurion 39. Being made from all new components on a milled receiver got me interested, especially for the price. I'm looking forward to picking this up from my neighborhood FFL dealer who is handling the transfer and background check for me.

I guess every red blooded American firearms enthusiast needs one of them there commie guns sooner or later.

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