Welcome to the Sioux Scout website

Welcome to the Sioux Scout website
The Sioux Scout website is a place to find fun and informative content ranging from the outdoors in general, hiking & camping on one end, and self reliance & preparedness on the other. The goal is to show just how much those two cultures have in common. A Prepper can learn a lot from a Hiker and vise versa.

We are all about having a positive focused mindset, having the right gear and the know how to work the two together for whatever adventure lays ahead.
"Owning a handgun doesn't make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician."
Col. Jeff Cooper

Saturday, January 25, 2014

I'm in MattV2099's Circle?!

This blog/website is an offshoot of my personal blog. Since I was boring my one of my followers with my pro 2nd Amendment rants and firearms stuff and the other thought is was awesome, I decided to spinoff this blog to keep them both happy. I'm that dedicated to pleasing people.

Anyway I have both blogs and some other stuff tied to my Google+ account. Yesterday, I was shocked to see a notification that MattV2099 added me to a G+ circle. An actual YouTube celebrity noticed me! Or at least accidently clicked on something that added me to a circle. I guess I shouldn't be too excited. The G+ circle might be "Jackasses Who Don't Know Crap," but I'll keep my hopes up.

One of the top Tactical Operators who operates tactfully has added me to a G+ circle!

In case the name doesn't ring a bell, you may know MattV2099 has the guy on YouTube who tortures his Glocks and other firearms in extreme, rather dangerous, very creative and pretty entertaining ways. Like cooking them into food. I do enjoy watching his videos, but they make me cringe. I usually only watch them after I put my Glocks to bed so not to frighten them.

Looks like I better start upping my game with this little website. I have a few product review & comparisons posts in the works that I will be adding soon. I also have a few YouTube videos in the plans as well. Nothing amazing, but something to add a little more content here. Of course I will continue to offer my amuater advice and go off on rants about everything firearm related.

Since people are now wanting to follow this, I will create a Facebook and G+ page for this site as well. I will have those up in the next day or two. Thanks for checking this little site out and I hope to make it better as we continue.

Got to go. My Glock lasagna is almost ready.

One of the best from MattV2099: The Red Jello Glock.

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