Welcome to the Sioux Scout website

Welcome to the Sioux Scout website
The Sioux Scout website is a place to find fun and informative content ranging from the outdoors in general, hiking & camping on one end, and self reliance & preparedness on the other. The goal is to show just how much those two cultures have in common. A Prepper can learn a lot from a Hiker and vise versa.

We are all about having a positive focused mindset, having the right gear and the know how to work the two together for whatever adventure lays ahead.
"Owning a handgun doesn't make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician."
Col. Jeff Cooper

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Proposed M855 Ban Part II. This Will Happen Because It Doesn't Mean Anything To You

I had to break my rant about the proposed M855 Ban into several part, so it wouldn't take a week to read. Plus I wanted to focus on why this ban will go into effect: it doesn't mean anything to too many people.

This was recently shown with the ban on 7N6 ammo. The ATF used the same reasoning to ban the popular 5.45x39 surplus ammo. Like M855, 7N6 is (was) a popular steel core ammo used by the general public. It was a plentiful low cost military surplus ammo for rifles chambered in 5.45x39, mainly AK-74s.

But this ban went into place partially because the ATF gave little warning and largely because few cared. The AK-74 is not that popular. In fact, many people who are into tactical shooting and military style firearms don't even know the AK-74 exists. How many posts have you seen in gun forums where people bash the 5.56x45 round by comparing it to the "superior" Russian AK-47 7.62x39 and they are completely clueless to the fact that the Russians have been using the 5.56's ballistic cousin, the 5.45 for around forty years now? But I digress.

Collectively, we do not care enough to even pay attention to the recent ban on 7N6, as shown by this screen shot of a recent forum discussion.

I by no means am trying to make fun of "Medic19" by sharing this here. It is a legitimate question by someone who is unfamiliar with what the ATF has previously gotten away with. The post just simply makes my point: if it doesn't directly affect us, generally we just don't care or notice it happening.

As I concluded the first post on this, Proposed M855 Ban Part I. Even if you do not care, you need to care enough. If you believe in and support the 2nd Amendment, you need to voice your objection against any infringement.

Regardless of if it affects you directly or not. Fight bans on ammo that you don't use. Fight bans on firearms you don't have or want. Fight rules hindering the right to carry even if you have no interest in carrying yourself.

If Medic19 doesn't want to "get stuck with a gun (he) can't shoot due to scarcity or extreme expense of ammo" then he need to get vocal about any and every proposed ban or rule that infringes upon our 2nd Amendment rights. You do too.

Join and donate often to the NRA and other pro-2A groups. Call and write to your State and Federal Representatives. Sign petitions. Attend Pro-2A rallies. Talk openly to friends, family and coworkers about your interests in firearms and your opinions on the 2nd Amendment.

I am 100% convinced if a small percentage of us you say "my voice won't make a difference" used our voices, it would make a difference.

As I closed my first post on this subject:
We who enjoy our liberty are all in this together, regardless of how we exercise our individual rights.

Links to related posts:
Proposed M855 Ban Part I. Even if you do not care, you need to care enough. 
Why Ban 7N6 Now?
Boiling Frogs with an AK

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