Welcome to the Sioux Scout website

Welcome to the Sioux Scout website
The Sioux Scout website is a place to find fun and informative content ranging from the outdoors in general, hiking & camping on one end, and self reliance & preparedness on the other. The goal is to show just how much those two cultures have in common. A Prepper can learn a lot from a Hiker and vise versa.

We are all about having a positive focused mindset, having the right gear and the know how to work the two together for whatever adventure lays ahead.
"Owning a handgun doesn't make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician."
Col. Jeff Cooper

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Technology Limited Rights

I saw this meme the other day on Facebook and got a bit dizzy from the head shaking and eye rolling it caused. Some of the anti-gunners seemed to love it, judging by the comments. The approving masses along with the creator of the meme either have an extreme case of hoplophobia, or are merely trolling for an outraged response from any one with a shred of common sense. The idea of putting some type of a technological limit on a natural right is simply absurd.

I've seen people argue against our Constitution's 2nd Amendment before with a statement along the lines of "if our Founding Fathers knew how devastating firearms would be in the future, they'd never let the people have them." As if there is a line between being armed enough to protect yourself, family & country and being armed with something that's too dangerous due to the rate of fire or ballistic performance.

If the people who make that kind of comment would do their research on the Founding Fathers, like by reading some of their writings like The Federalist Papers,The Anti-Federalist Papers, or other collections like The 5000 Year Leap; the Founding Fathers' intentions for adding the 2nd Amendment would be clear.

It is clear tom me that it's their fear of weapons that drives some people to say that the 2nd Amendment should be limited to the technologies of the time if the signing of the Bill of Rights. If they fear that modern weapons are beyond what citizens need for their Right to Bear Arms; wouldn't modern technology be beyond what they need for other rights as well? Shouldn't the Freedom of the Press be limited to that, actual printing presses? Being able to reach millions in an instant over the internet was obviously not what the Founding Fathers had in mind, right?

The truth is we have natural rights. We have the right to free speech, to worship (or not) how we see fit, to defend ourselves, and so on. How we exercise our natural rights is not limited by what was available at the time the founders of our nation wrote a document to guarantee the government they were creating would not infringe upon those natural rights.


  1. Derr... georgewashingtondidn'tandwouldn'tsaythatWhatthefuckdidIjustsee????

  2. I have not seen anything in the amendment that would restrict
    technological advances. If the advances are out there and
    criminals have guns with those advances, should not the rest
    of us have access to them? I trust our "fearless leaders"
    are merely failing to think this through; or is there some
    hidden purpose behind their stance. Thanks, donporter,sr
